
Welcome to the RM OCAID Library, our resource page to help you provide a better understanding about safety culture, leadership or engagement and how we can help your organisation develop a caring culture where people feel good and function well.

Please feel free to download as many articles as you’d like and if you have questions you wish to talk about, give us a call.

Culture Development

  • Impact of Leadership and Engagement on Cultural Safety®

    Impact of Leadership and Engagement on Cultural Safety®

    Leadership has been well described by many authors, some good some bad and one I find that allows us to pull together our thoughts specifically around engagement and motivation is by John Adair in his model of Action Centered Leadership.

    The model links well with our own Integrated Improvement model (HGIIM) (Kevin Hard / Nigel Girling) published in 2016 and is further supported by Dr. Derek Mobray’s Psychological Resilience framework showing organisations where they can start to build resilience and sustainability.


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  • Bend it, Shape it

    Bend it, Shape it

    When tasked with undertaking a safety-culture audit using oft-mentioned but rather vague 'Bradley Curve', Tim Marsh and Paul Bizzell discovered that while the approach has much to offer, it is probably best used in tandem with other, more academic models.

    Some months ago, a client asked us to undertake a formal survey of their safety culture. However, they requested that we use not only our standard tool, based on Parker and Hudson's established and leading model of safety culture, but also to measure it using the "Bradley Curve" - the terminology used around the client company worldwide.

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  • Why is Incident Investigation Important to Safety Culture

    Why is Incident Investigation Important to Safety Culture

    We're all busy people with many different demands on our time and resources, there really is never enough time in the day to get everything done and ensure that all of those things are done well. So what happens when something goes wrong and you're put on the spot to investigate the incident. All that time you're going to burn ensuring that you have enough people with the correct expertise to assist you. All that time that is going to be used up going out and gathering the available evidence, all those site visits, document searches and witness interviews.

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Organisational Resilience

  • Ancestral Concerns

    Ancestral Concerns

    Neuroscience is showing how our brains were hardwired millions of years ago to crave certainty and acceptance. Tim Marsh explains how that affects workplace safety.

    In 2002, the year after the 9/11 attacks, road journeys in the US increased by around 5% as people avoided using planes. Unfortunately, mile for mile, driving is far more dangerous than flying and this led to an increase in road fatalities of around 1600.

    But of course they switched. As humans, we instinctively understand why flying seemed a more risky option. The psychology behind this instinct has evolved over the 2.5 million years of human lifeforms.


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Individual Wellbeing

  • Agenda for Change

    Agenda for Change

    Everyone has a strategy on mental health and wellbeing, but how many can say it's working? Our panel says it's time to press 'reset' Elaine Knutt reports. Photos by Ed Tyler. Mental Health Awareness Week in May served chiefly as a reminder of just how much mental health awareness there is. News and social media feeds are full of first-person testimonies, survey results and well-meaning advice; workplace posters offer “bikes and bananas” or sometimes “yogurt and yoga”. But workplace mental health and wellbeing strategies that take employers’ legal responsibilities on welfare and psychosocial risk and convert them into workplaces that don’t harm people’s health, or that successfully manage situations where damage has been done, are much harder to find.

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  • Companies must start to manage wellbeing like they manage safety

    Companies must start to manage wellbeing like they manage safety

    Organisations need to assess the risk for wellbeing in the same manner as they currently assess the risk to safety, according to Dr Carolyn Yeoman, Operations Director at OCAID Wellbeing.

    Speaking at the Safety & Health Expo, Dr Yeoman said firms need to “demystify stress” and instead take an approach to wellbeing “that we know already works for safety”. “Stress is to wellbeing what accidents are to safety,” said Dr Yeoman. “If I ask you ‘do you manage accidents, you would say no, I manage safety’. So why do you manage stress?” Dr Yeoman said stress shows “there is something that is missing in an organisation”.

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  • Want to be healthy and live longer?

    Want to be healthy and live longer?

    Each of our cells contains DNA with our genetic material. Telomeres are found at each and every strand of DNA and help to protect the DNA from damage, disease etc (a bit like a shoe lace). Most of us are born with long telomeres and they do a good job of protecting us and keeping us healthy. But as we get older telomeres shorten and this can lead to cell damage and disease.

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